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Module one: History and Safety
Module four: Specialist Electricians Tools
Module three: Core Electricians Tools
Module three: Core Electricians Tools
This is a process where molten brass is used to join two or more close-fitting parts (much like soldering).
The best process for making this joint is called vacuum brazing, this offers extremely clean, superior, flux-free braze joints of high integrity and strength.
All C.K Tungsten Carbide tipped drills are vacuum brazed – the opposite is an example of a non vacuum brazed tip and you can clearly see the difference in the joint quality.
Hand brace
This is a cranked handle hand tool, used to turn drills and Augers, they have now been almost totally replaced with electric powered drills.
OK – enough of terminology now, time to take a look at the ranges of C.K Drill bits.
Power Tool Accessories.
Drill Terminology
Jobber drills
A term used to infer the length of twist drills for metal. For absolute clarity the best way of defining a drill size is to use the format:
Drill diameter by working length (X) by overall length (Y), for example 10x100x160mm.