Module three: Core Electrician's Tools
Crimping Pliers

The need to distribute electricity in turn drove the development of insulated wires, subsequently vital to the massive growth in automotive, electric and electronic industries.
Wire was developed in two main types, solid core and stranded core, but why?
The below table illustrates the main differences between the cables. But the main practical reason to have both is the flexibility.

An issue with the stranded wire is that the individual strands can be quite fine, so if you attempt to tighten a screw down on them (for instance in a connector block), the wires can break leaving a weak connection.
One potential solution is to solder the ends of the wire, but this is time consuming, expensive and can result in burns to the wire insulation and your skin!
There were other needs; for instance, wires may need to be joined but the joint has to be detachable for maintenance or repair. Electric motors often have terminal posts for connecting wires to – this requires the end of the wire to finish in a ring.
This all drove the development of a wide range of fittings that are attached by squashing them (in a precise way) onto the end of the wire.
These fittings have a fairly wide range of names including crimps, crimp connectors, crimp terminals, terminals or lugs. We will call them crimp connectors.
In the UK, crimp connectors are used mainly in control panels, car accessory fitting and the like – This is because the majority of domestic and commercial electrical installation work is done using solid core wire (Flat twin and earth wire) which can be connected straight into terminals.
It’s rather different on the continent. There they use multi-strand wire on far more applications, so have a much greater need to use crimp connectors to terminate the wiring.
So let’s now take a look at the different types of crimp connectors commonly used.